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Freelance writer, editor, reviewer and journalist


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I'm Alan and I'm a freelance writer in London. My LinkedIn profile contains a false qualification, but it was for a feature exposing something silly about the site.


To my knowledge, I'm the only person in the Venn diagram of people who've written for both The New Statesman and Nuts.




Beyond the aforementioned Venn diagram, I have bylines for The Guardian, The Telegraph, The i, Wired, NME, ShortList, TechRadar, The IndependentThe Evening Standard, Macworld, Expert ReviewsCoachIT ProTom's GuideThe Inquirer (RIP)Rock Paper ShotgunT3Gizmodo UK (RIP), PC Pro,  Ideal HomeLivingetcStuffBusiness InsiderWareable and Trusted Reviews amongst others.


Some of my words have been syndicated by The Mirror, Ars Technica, Metro, and MSN. You can also hear my voice in an interview with Talk Radio if you really want.

Between 2015 and 2018, I worked exclusively for Alphr* at Dennis Publishing (yet another RIP), working on over 1,800 articles – first as Science Editor, then News Editor, Deputy Editor and finally Acting Editor.


News stories with personality and witconsumer product reviewsinteresting and memorable interviewsfunnyviral or serious listsopinion piecesin-depth analysis or long-form features. Whatever you need a freelance writer for, drop me a line – I'd love to hear from you.

*Important note: Alphr was abandoned and quietly sold off to another publisher after I left and is now very different to what it once was. In the most diplomatic way possible: don't judge me.



The spinners have their own deeply unsurprising opinions about who 'wins' political debates. But in 2015, for a true pulse of the apathetic majority, I got my apolitical girlfriend to watch the seven-party leaders debate and give her views for The New Statesman. 

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The spinners have their own deeply unsurprising opinions about who 'wins' political debates. But in 2015, for a true pulse of the apathetic majority, I got my apolitical girlfriend to watch the seven-party leaders debate and give her views for The New Statesman. 

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Dr Gustav Kuhn is both a scientist and a magician, and has some interesting points about what misdirection and tricking the human mind should teach us about tech design. SPOILER: According to him, Google Glass is a really bad idea... 

I Watched Three Hours of Smartphone Teleshopping So You Never Have To   Gizmodo UK.jpg

I watched a bunch of teleshopping presenters bullshitting their way through the complex world of tech for the now defunct Gizmodo UK.

Have our brains just not evolved for social media    TechRadar.jpg

Evolutionary anthropologist Dr Anna Machin believes that social media apps, for all their good intentions, aren't built with the limitations of the human psyche in mind. 

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2020's Covid lockdown was hard on everyone, but in this 'thank you note' to Crytek, I explain how one punishingly hard computer game kept my friends together, despite the punishing public health measures in place.



News coverage

I was promoted to news editor at Alphr because of my speed and accuracy with news stories.


I've been a senior editor, news editor, science editor, deputy editor and acting editor. In other words, I'm very comfortable proofing and editing.


Starting out my career in copywriting, I know how to use language in a compelling way to appeal to readers.


I've reviewed phones, games, music, tablets, laptops, drones, wearables, pet products and gadgets of all flavours. 



Over numerous features I've interviewed industry figures, academics and celebrities for revealing quotes and expert insight.

SEO-friendly content

I've been practicing SEO techniques since my very first job when you still had to worry about Yahoo and Ask Jeeves...



Thanks for getting in touch.

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